Monday, December 14, 2009

Volume 1, Issue 32, December 14, 2009: 2010 Better Be My Year To Shine

My Goals For 2010

I think that 2010 will be a great year for me. 2009 was very rough on me finanicially, spirtually, and emotionally. I want to put it all behind me. I have nothing but optimism and hope that next year I will be better, I'll try harder, I'll do things faster, and I'll be stronger.

1) Find a full-time job.

2) Save more money.

3) Get better grades/more scholarships.

4) Find a summer internship in NYC.

5) Become more healthier.

6) Do more sewing projects/ become better at garment construction.

7) Relax more.

8) Always have a Plan A-Z.

9) Improve clubs and organizations at my school.

10) Even when I'm down and out always remember that I can do it.

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