Sunday, March 28, 2010

Volume 1, Issue 58, March 27, 2010: The Day After The Banquet

The 2010 MU nternational Banquet was a sucess!!! I haven't had fun like that in a while. I'm so exhausted from all the working, dancing, and sweating from this banquet. I can't wait till next year. Here some pics from the banquet below.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Volume 1, Issue 57, March 15, 2010: The Ides of March/ Sewing Project

Happy Ides of March! Well this isn't really a day for celebration but this is the day that Julius Casear was assissignated. Et tu brute?

Anyways, I'm starting my sewing project soon and I have to sew this dress and make a decorative emblishement for it. This should be fun but I'm a little nervous because I'm not the world's best sewer and I'm being graded on this. I'll have to make a trip to the fabric store. I'm not sure whether I should go to the Hancock Fabrics store in Waldorf or Joanns and Gstreet in Seven Corners. But where ever I can the best look fabric. The dress that I will be making will be the one that is black and white but I want to use a solid color on the skirt of the dress and a printed fabric at the bodice. The colors I'm considering are red, turquiose, mustard yellow, emerald green and a deep royal purple or blue. I want something bold and eye catching.

Volume 1, Issue 56, March.15.2010: SHOEGASM!!!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Volume 1, Issue 55, March.1.2010: Why I Will Never Respect Celebrity Clothing Lines

Kudos to Tim Gunn for putting the Hoedashians sisters in their place with their tacky clothing line that is at Bebe now. I'm so tired of these celebrities thinking that they can do everything, singing, acting, having their own water and now desiging clothes?! GTFOH!!!!

A celebrity with a clothing line is a the ultimate sign of a egomanic. The only thing they care about is making profit from the fashion industry and extending their 15 mins of fame. Most of the celeb clothing lines are rubbish and they lack quality and actual taste. For example just to name a few:

Celebrity: Beyonce Knowles
Line: The House of Deron
Description:Basically, overpriced cheap dresses and shirts with tacky ruffles with horrid color schemes. Beyonce actually think that her line is the shit, shes always repping it in all of her annoying ass song.

Celebrity:(Wannabe Celebs in this Case) The Hoedashian sisters, Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney
Line: Shitty Whore Dresses At Bebe
Description:The Hoedashian sisters style motto is tight and bright. These dresses are clearly marketed towards upcoming prositutues and future mistresses of Tiger Woods'.

Celebrity: J.Lo
Line: Sweetface
Description: Gag me

Line: Apple Bottoms
Description: Nelly only wanted to have a line of jeans that fits women with bigger a$$ests. He only had good intentions and it was a great idea. But no woman wants to have two giant apple pocekts on her already big ass.

Celebrity: Kimora Lee Simmons
Line: Baby Phat
Description: See Apple Bottoms. Somethings would be cute if it didn't have a giant golden cat on it.

As a Fashion Merchandising major, I'm appalled at celebrity clothing lines. I see friends at MU who spend hours, days, weeks, and sometimes months sewing their own lines together for school and they still get no recongnition for their hard work. I've seen some beautiful garments sewn by the design students and many of them never see the light of day. It pisses me off that these egotistical celebs can put out a tacky line in a day and everyone would kiss thier ass and will be all over it. People seem to forget that there are people going to school for fashion. Just because you dress well or have a great stylist doesn't mean that you know fashion and can design a whole clothing line out of you ass. Many of these celebrities have no knowledge of garment construction, fabric quality or the correct fabric choice, or even colors. Singers should stay singers, actors should stay actors,  just leave the fashion industry out of this!